Friday, May 20, 2016

AE Research Report Rubric- Current event and Fiction

Paragraph 1-  (20 pts)

-Share a brief synopsis of your independent reading book that you’ve read.

- Complete the paragraph by mentioning the “real life” current event topic that is involved in your story.  Write a sentence or two about why this topic is important to your plot and its’ characters.


Paragraph 2- (20 pts)

  • Transition into how this topic is related to the real world. Identify a current event and write about it. Summarize and inform.         


Paragraph 3- (20 pts)

  • Your using 2 different articles that you have found, so keep going here.. Dig further

Paragraph 4- (25 pts)

  • Analyze and reflect on the current event that you have located.

Paragraph 5- (15 pts)

-Review your story’s topic that you connected to the current event. 

- Conclude your paper with a strong statement or claim. (We’ll be reviewing this in class)


**The visual part of the project will be worth 50 pts.  There will be a separate rubric to this shared next week.