Monday, January 29, 2018

Signpost Reading Strategies and Videos

As you're reading, think about these strategies as you..
See your notes for more examples and further definition of each of these strategies.
(Probst & Beers, 2013)

 Click on the link to see use these strategies through the following links

Aha moments- This moment is where a character in your story has 'an awakening'.

Contrast and Contradictions- This moment is where you expect a certain action to occur, and something totally different happens. (Character development!!)

Words of the Wiser- This is a moment where your main character in the book is given a piece of wisdom from another (often older) character.

Again and again- This is moment/action/ statement made throughout a passage (or story) that is repetitive.

Tough question-This moment is a where your character has a tough decision to make.  This choice will almost always lead to major story-line developments.

free reading comprehension chart featuring the 6 signposts, for use in elementary classrooms

See your notes for more examples and further definition of each of these strategies.

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